DN12C : Lake Rosu - Bicaz gorge

Star Rating Graphic (4.5) 56 kms
Stelios | Oktober 27, 2010 | Europa > Roemenië Motorroutes > Transylvania
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Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • Stelios
  • Yamaha TDM 900
  • Punten: 1222
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Bochten Star Rating Graphic (4)
Rechte StukkenStar Rating Graphic (1.5)
LandschapStar Rating Graphic (5)
ZichtbaarheidStar Rating Graphic (3)
WeggesteldheidStar Rating Graphic (1.5)
Gevaarlijke puntenStar Rating Graphic (4)
Politiecontroles Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Augustus 8, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

There are lots of very nice corners on this road but the the surface is extremely patchy in places, best ridden early in the morning to avoid all the hazards presented by tourists. Ridden at 8am on a GS racing along with one of the locals in a Skoda was good fun. Sport bikes best avoid this one! The Pass winds very tightly through the dramatic Bicaz gorge, an area of great natural beauty.

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Oktober 27, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

It’s a scenery only road, passing beside lake Rosu (Red lake) and the spectacular Bicaz gorges. The road condition is awful with lots of potholes and huge traffic.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • Stelios
  • Yamaha TDM 900
  • Punten: 1222

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