Khaplu - Skardu (Shyok River Valley Road)

Star Rating Graphic (4) 98 kms
BBR-David | Februari 11, 2024 | Azië > Pakistan Motorroutes > Northern Areas

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Bochten Star Rating Graphic (5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.7)
Rechte StukkenStar Rating Graphic (3)
LandschapStar Rating Graphic (5)
ZichtbaarheidStar Rating Graphic (3)
WeggesteldheidStar Rating Graphic (3)
Gevaarlijke puntenStar Rating Graphic (3)
Politiecontroles Star Rating Graphic (3)


Have your say....
Februari 11, 2024 - Star Rating Graphic

This route was recommended to me by some Pakistani bikers, so I have not ridden it yet

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