Malin Head

Star Rating Graphic (3.5) 96 kms
Diversion | September 19, 2013 | Europa > Ierland Motorroutes > Ulster (ROI)
Motorroute 6 foto's beschikbaar

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Bochten Star Rating Graphic (4.5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.5)
Rechte StukkenStar Rating Graphic (3)
LandschapStar Rating Graphic (5)
ZichtbaarheidStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
WeggesteldheidStar Rating Graphic (3)
Gevaarlijke puntenStar Rating Graphic (3)
Politiecontroles Star Rating Graphic (2.5)


Have your say....
December 9, 2023 - Star Rating Graphic

A beautiful road skirting the seashore which rise and descends nicely meaning scenery packed fun. Enjoy!

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September 19, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

Malin Head is the most northerly point on the island of Ireland. A great destination for a challenge ´bike run - you can´t go any further! Spectacular views across to the Scottish islands and to the uninhabited island of Inishtrahull, 6 miles to the northeast. Beautiful seascape - this is the north Atlantic, after all! The waters off Malin were the battleground in two world wars - U boats, Allied aircraft, convoy protection battleships etc - a spectacular number of wrecks lie off here. Visit the Sea View Tavern for a coffee overlooking Inishtrahull Sound (a submarine trench drops to 90 metres depth)visist this website :

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